
The most important thing about your enclosure is that you can set up different temperature, lighting, humidity, and visibility gradients. You want your chameleon to be able to completely regulate what they need for their bodies at any given point in time. If you have the enclosure set up properly your panther chameleon can completely regulate everything they need.

Heat bulbs can be a simple 65 watt flood light in a heat bulb fixture. Your basking temperature for your panther chameleon should be right around 90 degrees and the ambient temperature should be around 72 degrees. Place your heat bulb in the corner of your enclosure. This will create the proper temperature gradients and allow your chameleon plenty of room to get away from the heat if they want.
You will want to set up your vines and branches to give your chameleon access to as much are as little light and warmth as they want but make sure when placing branches that your basking branch is not closer than 6 inches from the basking spot. Keep this in mind when setting up your enclosure.
Humidity and Water

Live plants are another great way to help maintain humidity levels. Pothos, Umbrella Plants, Ficus, Bromeliads, and Hibiscus are all great plants for your panther chameleon enclosure. These plants also offer lots of great sources for your chameleon to drink from their leaves.
It is important to note that panther chameleons do not recognize a bowl of water as a water source. Panther chameleons spend their entire lives living in trees. They drink water as it rains on them, and they drink water off of the leaves of the trees they live in. Adequate misting is necessary to ensure your chameleon is getting enough to drink. You can also use a dripper to give your chameleon another source to drink from all through out the day.

It is important you gut load your feeders before feeding them off to your chameleon. Many feeders do not have access to any food during shipping and some of the most important nutrition that feeder insects provide comes from the contents of their stomach. You will want to offer your feeders fresh vegetables and fruits before feeding them to your chameleons. Collard greens, dandelion greens, apples, and carrots are all good options to feed your feeders. You can also use a commercial gut load like “Bug Burger” from Repashy.
Calcium and other vitamins and minerals are vital to your chameleon’s health. We highly recommend using a light dusting of Repashy Calcium Plus Lo D3 and bee pollen. There are other supplementation schedules out there, but we have had great success with this method.